K. Male'
21 Feb 2018 | Wed 23:49
President Yameen attend parliament inaugural sitting for year 2018
President Yameen attend parliament inaugural sitting for year 2018
Presidents Office
Presidential Address 2018
27 reefs to be developed in the next five years, says the President
The reefs are to be developed in Kaafu atoll
He said that this will lead to the creation of 47,000 jobs

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has declared that plans are underway for the development of 27 reefs in Kaafu atoll.

In his presidential address at the parliament's inaugural sitting for this year on Wednesday night, the President mentioned that his administration is putting a lot of effort into the growth of the tourism sector and that 24 islands are expected to be developed into resorts by the end of this year.

Noting that significant work has been carried out for the development of the economic sector, within the past four years, President Yameen said that 47,000 job opportunities will be created by the end of the reclamation of 27 reefs.

According to the President, the economy has risen from 6.2% to 6.9% and the tourism sector has risen by 8% with the arrival of 1.3 million tourists within his tenure. President Yameen also declared that the bed count will rise by 5,300 in number with the development of the new resorts.

While the president claimed that the tourism sector had seen significant growth in the past year, employees in the tourism industry have expressed their concerns in the plummet of tourist count with the declaration of the State of Emergency across the nation, heavily affecting the industry going on to say that the estimated occupancy level for the month February will probably see a drop by 65%.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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