K. Male'
20 Feb 2018 | Tue 14:25
MPL customs area
MPL customs area
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maldives Ports Limited
Asst. GM Ahmed resigned out of fear of being dismissed, condemn his actions: MPL
Assistant General Manager Ahmed resigned earlier this week, criticizing President and his policies
MPL said Ahmed was incompetent and did not have the skills in the field of work
MPL accused Ahmed of taking advantage of the political turmoil in the country due to fear of being fired

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) has said that its former Assistant General Manager Hussain Ahmed had resigned due to fear of being dismissed.

Ahmed resigned from MPL earlier this week, criticizing incumbent President Abdulla Yameen and his policies.

In a statement released on Tuesday, MPL said that Ahmed was ‘careless in his work’ and that he had been given multiple warnings on the matter. MPL added that he had resigned out of fear of being fired.

Noting that he joined MPL in 2014, MPL said that he was assigned as a manager at its Hulhumalé Terminal, but that he did not have the skills to do the required work. He was then transferred as the assistant general manager on the Malé North Harbour in 2015, and then as an assistant to the manager at the Port Complex in 2016. He was later transferred to Thilafushi Vessel Repair Yard, said MPL.

Noting that he had been transferred to various departments in the span of three years, MPL said this was because he did not have the qualifications to do necessary work, and because of his incompetency.

MPL noted that it had advised Ahmed a number of times, and given him various opportunities to remedy the situation.

In his resignation letter, Ahmed said he had hoped that President Abdulla Yameen was an honest leader, but that the President has failed to address the numerous allegations of corruption within the state, and has inhumanely imprisoned opposition leaders.  The letter noted that President Yameen’s refusal to obey the Supreme Court’s order to release political prisoners, and his declaration of a state of emergency are escalating the situation in the country.

MPL accused Ahmed of taking advantage of the political turmoil in the country due to fear of being fired, adding that it condemned Ahmed’s actions.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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