K. Male'
20 Feb 2018 | Tue 13:21
President Abdulla Yameen
President Abdulla Yameen
Presidents Office
State of Emergency
Disengagement of opposition MPs will cripple parliament’s ability to decide on SoE: President’s Office
President Yameen has proposed to extend estate of emergency by a period of 30 days
A state of emergency was declared on February 5
President's Office said “a continued period of emergency was advised by the National Security Council"

President’s Office has said that the proposal to extend the state of emergency by a period of 30 days was submitted “as the threat to national security has not diminished and the Constitutional crisis has not been resolved”.

In a press released issued on Monday, the Office said that “a continued period of emergency was advised by the National Security Council”.

“The government notes with disappointment that the opposition Members of the Parliament opted to sit out of the Chambers and to disengage themselves from this debate of national significance” reads the statement, adding that ‘the disengagement of the opposition Members of the Parliament on deciding the issue of the State of Emergency will cripple the Parliament’s ability to decide this issue’.

The Officer further said that the actions of the opposition “will further deepen the current Constitutional crisis”.

It called on lawmakers to ‘act responsibly’ as per Article 75 of the Constitution which states that “Members of the People’s Majlis should be guided in their actions by considerations of national interest and public welfare foremost, and should not exploit their official positions in any way for their own benefit or for the benefit of those with whom they have special relations. They shall represent not only their constituencies but the country as a whole”.

The President’s Office further called on the MPs “to act on their obligation to enable the Legislature to execute their Constitutional Mandate on the issue of the State of Emergency”.

President Abdulla Yameen declared a state of emergency on 5th February, and has proposed to extend it by an additional 30 days. The proposal was submitted to parliament on Monday.

While there were only 39 MPs present at the sitting, the President’s Office said that those present had voted unanimously to forward the issue to the Committee on National Security.

The Constitution states that “voting on any matter requiring compliance by citizens shall only be undertaken when more than half of the total membership of the People’s Majlis are present at the sitting at which the matter is voted upon”.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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