K. Male'
20 Feb 2018 | Tue 11:21
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State of Emergency
Parliament Committee passes government’s proposal to extend SoE
The government requested a 30-day extension to the state of emergency
It was passed by the Committee on National Security on Monday afternoon
An extraordinary sitting of the parliament was held on Monday, where the government proposed to extend the state of emergency

The parliament Committee on National Security has passed to approve the government’s proposal to extend the state of emergency by an additional 30 days.

Ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)’s parliamentary group leader, MP Ahmed Nihan announced, via twitter, that the committee had passed to extend the state of emergency as proposed by President Abdulla Yameen.

The extension request was submitted to parliament on Monday morning, and was forwarded to the committee with the vote of 38 MPs. Opposition lawmakers boycotted the ‘special’ sitting, saying it was held unlawfully. They note that 43 MPs, i.e. more than half of total membership of Majlis, must be present during votes on matters that require compliance by citizens.

However, some opposition parliamentarians attended the committee meeting, and criticized the government’s proposal. The committee meeting ended less than 30 minutes after commencing.

While the committee has passed to extend the state of emergency to a total of 45 days, it can only be enforced after parliament approval.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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