K. Male'
19 Feb 2018 | Mon 08:40
Former President Mohamed Nasheed departs after concluding visit to India
Former President Mohamed Nasheed departs after concluding visit to India
Ex-President Nasheed
Ex-Pres. Nasheed concludes visit to India
Nasheed arrived in India on 15th February
Was there to participate in thought conclave The Huddle, organized by Indian newspaper The Hindu
Nasheed has called on India 'to act fast' to save Maldives

Self-exiled former President Mohamed Nasheed has concluded his visit to India.

He left the country early Monday morning, after participating in Indian newspaper The Hindu’s The Huddle 2018. The two-day event was held in Bengaluru, India.

The former President spoke his thoughts on ‘democracy, human rights, the Maldives crisis and Indian Ocean stability’.

According to The Hindu, Nasheed urged India ‘to act immediately to save Maldives’.

“I am not asking India to send troops to the Maldives to fight. I am asking for an envoy backed by muscle so that President [Abdulla] Yameen would listen to India. I am not even asking for a regime change in that sense. What we are looking for is an interim arrangement that will take us to free and fair election,” Nasheed clarified to The Hindu’s Suhasini Haider; having been criticized on social media a few weeks ago, for calling on India to intervene.

During the trip, Nasheed met with the Indian defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman, to brief her on the ‘situation in Maldives’.

He also met with Maldivians living in India.

India has said that it is closely monitoring the situation in Maldives, where a state of emergency has been declared.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Mohamed Zahir
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