K. Male'
18 Feb 2018 | Sun 16:41
Journalist Hussain Hassan with his mother before departing to Sri Lanka on Sunday
Journalist Hussain Hassan with his mother before departing to Sri Lanka on Sunday
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Attacks on Journalists
Journalist Hussain departs to SL for further treatment, despite police's attempt to block him from flying
Hassan departed to Lanka on Sunday afternoon
While he was at the boarding gate, officers had attempted to arrest him, but were unable to due to regulations
While Hassan was taken into custody on Friday while covering a rally, police has since said that he was never arrested

RaajjeTV’s journalist Hussain Hassan traveled to Sri Lanka for further treatment on Sunday, despite police’s attempt to arrest him again.

Hassan had checked in at the airport, and had passed immigration and was at the boarding gate when officers tried to block him from flying.

However, according to Ismail Zariyand who was accompanying him, the officers were unable to take him into custody as he had already passed immigration, “meaning he was already on international soil”.

Zariyand noted that a number of officers were at the boarding gate to arrest him, but could not do so “due to regulations”.

“Hence, Hassan was allowed to fly abroad,” added Zariyand.

RaajjeTV decided to send Hassan to Sri Lanka for further treatment, having sustained injuries - both external and internal – during his arrest on Friday night. Hassan was arrested while he was covering an opposition rally.

Speaking to RaajjeMV prior to his departure, Hassan said that he has no ‘hard feelings’ towards those officers that manhandled him, adding that he hoped that ‘they are able to see the real picture soon’. Hassan also thanked those that stood up for him, and said that he will remain steadfast with RaajjeTV, in keeping the people informed.

While he was taken to hospital for treatment after arrest, police has since said that Hassan was never arrested from the rally.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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