K. Male'
18 Feb 2018 | Sun 16:07
RaajjeTV journalist Hussain Hassan being transferred into a police vehicle from the HQ, to be taken to hospital
RaajjeTV journalist Hussain Hassan being transferred into a police vehicle from the HQ, to be taken to hospital
Attacks on Journalists
Assault case filed against police over mistreatment of journalist Hussain Hassan
Hassan was taken into police custody while covering the opposition rally on Friday evening
Sustained both external and internal injuries during and after arrest
Complaint was filed at MPS, NIC and HRCM

The case regarding the police’s attacks on RaajjeTV journalists Hussain Hassan has been filed at three different institutions.

The case was filed at the Maldives Police Service (MPS), National Integrity Commission (NIC) and the Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM).

The station’s defence lawyer Mohamed Nishan noted that Hassan was under police arrest when he was brought into hospital, and that officers had later said that he had been released from custody. However, Nishan noted that officers had also informed him that Hassan had not been arrested from Friday’s protest.

“Hence, we are asking if Hassan was ever arrested that night. We have requested the police to give a clear answer on whether he was assaulted by civilians or police officers,” added Nishan.

RaajjeTV’s Chief Operating Officer Hussain Fiyaz Moosa said that despite the declaration of a state of emergency in the country, “there are not restrictions to the freedom of media”.

“What we saw on Friday night was police deliberating obstructing the work of journalists and the freedom of media. The journalists on the field had not done anything to hinder the police’s work. Hence, we have called on the institution to not repeat such actions,” said Fiyaz.

Hassan suffered various injuries during and after his arrest on Friday. While bruises can be seen on various parts of his body, doctors at ADK Hospital said that he suffered internal injuries as well.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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