K. Male'
18 Feb 2018 | Sun 13:23
The People’s Majlis is to hold an extraordinary sitting on Monday
The People’s Majlis is to hold an extraordinary sitting on Monday
People's Majlis
Parliament to hold extraordinary sitting on Monday
The sitting is to be held at 9 am
It is not clear on what is on the agenda for the sitting
12 MPs stripped of their parliamentary seats by EC received message regarding meeting as well

The People’s Majlis is to hold an extraordinary sitting on Monday.

According to a message sent to lawmakers, Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed has called for a sitting at 9am on Monday.

While it is not clear on what is on the agenda for the sitting, parliament administration has said that details are to be released later.

While a total of three sessions are held every year, this year’s inaugural sitting, scheduled for February 5, was cancelled for security reasons. The same day, a 15-day state of emergency was declared in the country.

Article 257 (a) of the Constitution states that “the declaration of a state of emergency shall be submitted to the People’s Majlis within forty-eight hours. If the People’s Majlis is not in session at the time of the declaration, it shall be re-called within fourteen days, inclusive of holidays, and the declaration of a state of emergency submitted to the People’s Majlis for approval”.

While the Elections Commission had decided to strip off 12 lawmakers from their parliamentary seats following a Supreme Court ruling in July 2017, these MPs received the message regarding tomorrow’s session as well.

Supreme Court’s ruling on February 1 said that all 12 will retain their seats, despite EC’s decision.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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