K. Male'
16 Feb 2018 | Fri 23:51
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Azmoon Ahmed
Opposition 'Warm Up' Rally
Pres. Yameen must step down: Nasheed
Nasheed noted that a number of people took to the streets on Friday
They are protesting against 'President Yameen’s refusal to enforce the Supreme Court ruling to release political prisoners’
Protests were held across the country

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has called on President Abdulla Yameen to resign, amid the continued protests across the country.

The self-exiled former President, who is currently in India, noted that ‘thousands protested across the Maldives against President Yameen’s refusal to enforce the Supreme Court ruling to release political prisoners’.

“President Yameen must step down, allow for interim government to facilitate free, fair and inclusive elections in the Maldives,” he added.

The opposition has been holding nightly protests since Supreme Court issued the ruling on February 1, ordering the immediate release on nine high-profile figures. President Yameen refused to implement the order, instead declaring a state of emergency on the 5th.

The joint opposition held a, what they called ‘a warm up rally’ on Friday, despite authorities announcing that they will not be allowed to continue with the protest as ‘it is not believed to be a peaceful one’. However, protests were held across the country, with participants calling on the government to implement the ruling, as well as for the incumbent President’s resignation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
- comment
6 years ago
Who the hell are you ? To decide that hmmm just stay out of our country