K. Male'
15 Feb 2018 | Thu 09:57
Lawyer Hussain Shameem
Lawyer Hussain Shameem
Hussain Shameem
Lawyer Shameem summoned to police for questioning over comments made at presser
Shameem was recently allowed to resume practicing law, after a two year suspension
He is accused of giving ‘false statements’ at a press conference on February 13
Shameem is part of detained former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s legal team

Lawyer and former deputy Prosecutor General, Hussain Shameem has been summoned to the Maldives Police Service (MPS) for questioning.

According to his summon notice, he is to present himself to the police headquarters at 8pm on Thursday, for questioning, for allegedly giving ‘false statements’ at a press conference on February 13.

Shameem is part of detained former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s legal team. Maumoon, along with other high-profile detainees, are accused of bribery and attempting to overthrow the government.

While a number of Maumoon’s associates have been arrested in the investigation, a ‘black box’ was confiscated from Najma Ibrahim’s residence. Ibrahim is an employee at the former President’s office.

While police have said that they had found ‘documentary evidence’ in the black box, Shameem accused the police of planting the said evidence.

Shameem was recently allowed to resume practicing law, after a two year suspension.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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