K. Male'
14 Feb 2018 | Wed 11:16
Chinese Ambassador to the Maldives, Zhang Lizhong was seen at an opposition rally on Monday night
Chinese Ambassador to the Maldives, Zhang Lizhong was seen at an opposition rally on Monday night
China - Maldives
Did not partake in opposition rally, passed by on my way home from work: Chinese Amb. to Maldives
Ambassador Zhang Lizhong was seen at an opposition rally on Monday night
Chinese Embassy is located near the MDP headquarters, where the rally was taking place
Zhang reiterated that China will not intervene in Maldives' domestic affairs

Chinese Ambassador to the Maldives, Zhang Lizhong has denied partaking in an opposition rally, after being spotted at one two days ago.

The Ambassador was seen at an opposition protest, calling to implement Supreme Court’s initial ruling on February 1, on Monday; with photos of him circulating around social media.

Speaking to local news site “Mihaaru”, Zhang denied reports that he had taken part in any rallies, adding that he was a bystander and that he was “not there on official authority”. He further said that he was passing by “on his way home from the Chinese embassy”. The embassy is less than two minutes, even on foot, from the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) headquarters, where the rally was taking place.

Ambassador Zhang also noted that the relationship between Maldives and China is a close one, and that the Chinese government “is always ready to help”. He added that China will not interfere with the country’s civil affairs “as discussed before”, even though it “wants peace within Maldives”.

The Ambassador, who was at the rally for a good 15 minutes, was seen taking photographs of the events as well.

While embassies at times are known send officials to observe such gatherings, this is the first time an Ambassador, or any diplomat of a similar ranking, has been seen near an area where a protest was actively taking place.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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