K. Male'
13 Feb 2018 | Tue 17:57
Ex-President Gayoom taken away by police boat
Ex-President Gayoom taken away by police boat
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Govt Crackdown
13 arrested over attempt to overthrow government: Police
Spokesperson Ahmed Shifan said this at a news conference on Tuesday
Those arrested include ex-President Gayoom, MPs, and their associates
Shifan said some have not been giving their full corporation for the investigation

Police have said they have so far arrested 13 suspects for allegedly attempting to overthrow the government.

Spokesperson Ahmed Shifan said this at a news conference on Tuesday.

Shifan said they have so far arrested former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, Justice Ali Hameed, Judicial Administrator Hassan Saeed, North-Mahchangolhi MP Adulla Sinan, Dhangedhi MP Ilham Ahmed, Dhiggaru MP Faris Maumoon, Najma Ibrahim (former employee of Gayoom), Ibrahim Siyad Qasim (son of opposition leader Qasim Ibrahim), Mohamed Azmee, Mohamed Nadeem, and Sri Lankan national Puniya Sudhagar who is a driver at Gayoom’s family.

Shifan said that while they are being questioned, some have not been giving their full corporation for the investigation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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