K. Male'
12 Feb 2018 | Mon 12:09
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb being escorted to the prison
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb being escorted to the prison
Maldives Correctional Service
Correctional service cancels ex-VP Adeeb's meeting with lawyers
This was revealed in a post by Adeeb’s lawyer
Adeeb’s lawyers said that both they and his family have been unable to meet Adeeb

The Maldives Correctional Services has cancelled Maldives’ detained vice president Ahmed Adeeb’s meeting with his lawyers.

This was revealed in a post by Adeeb’s lawyer, Moosa Siraj, who said that the decision was made for administrative reasons.

Ahmed Adeeb is one of the political detainees that the Supreme Court initially ruled to have released, on the grounds that the judicial proceedings that led to their sentencing had been unjust.

Adeeb’s lawyers said that both they and his family have been unable to meet Adeeb since the ruling.

The Supreme Court had repealed its earlier decision to release said political detainees, after justices Abdulla Saeed and Ali Hameed were arrested.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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