K. Male'
02 Feb 2018 | Fri 22:08
Police officer seen joining the protest on Thursday night
Police officer seen joining the protest on Thursday night
Hussain Hassaan
Supreme Court Ruling
Video surfaces of some police officers joining opposition protest
The video shows two officers confront riot police with protesters
It is likely that the video was shot near Cibo restaurant on Thursday night
There have been reports that some officers were arrested for attempting to abide by the order

A video has surfaced that shows some police officers joining a protest against the government refusing to obey the Supreme Court order to release all political prisoners.

The video shows two officers confront riot police with protesters.

It also shows protesters carrying around one of the officers after they tried to talk to the riot police.

It is likely that the video was shot near Cibo restaurant on Thursday night.

There have been reports that some police officers have been arrested for attempting to abide by the order.

Police officers were also seen arguing with each other while trying to disperse the opposition rally on Friday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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