K. Male'
02 Feb 2018 | Fri 01:57
People gathered near MDP headquarters on Thursday night, following new Supreme Court ruling
People gathered near MDP headquarters on Thursday night, following new Supreme Court ruling
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Supreme Court Ruling
Ex-President calls “to avoid confrontation” as SC ruling creates havoc
The court ruling was issued on Thursday
Nasheed urged “all citizens to avoid confrontation and engage in peaceful activity”
While the SC ruling reinstates the 12 dismissed MPs, joint opposition noted that this gives the majority in Parliament

Former President Mohamed Nasheed calls for all to avoid confrontation, following Supreme Court ruling freeing all political prisoners on Thursday.

In a tweet posted after, the former President said that he welcomes the ruling “for the immediate release of political prisoners and the restoration of their civil and political rights”.

“President Yameen must abide by this ruling and resign,” added Nasheed, further urging “all citizens to avoid confrontation and engage in peaceful activity”.

Speaking to RaajjeTV earlier tonight, Nasheed assured that he will return home, “but not tonight”, adding that he is waiting on his party’s decision on the matter.

Supreme Court, on Thursday, ordered the release of all political prisoners, including Nasheed, Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim, Adhaalath Party Leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla, former Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim, and Dhiggaru constituency MP Faris Maumoon.

The Supreme Court further annulled the previous controversial ‘anti-defection’ ruling issued in July 2017. Noting that this immediately reinstates the 12 opposition members of parliament, Nasheed’s Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), in a statement said that “the restoration of the 12 MPs gives the opposition alliance a clear majority in the Parliament”.

The joint opposition has called on the security forces to uphold the Constitution, respect the rule of law, and serve the Maldivian people.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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