K. Male'
31 Jan 2018 | Wed 18:18
MDP's deputy leader Mohamed Shifaz
MDP's deputy leader Mohamed Shifaz
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Mohamed Shifaz
MDP deputy receives police summons after calling president a thief
Shifaz called the president a thief as his motorcade was driving by
The incident occurred on January 20
MDP committee member Hassan Ahmed has also received a summons
MDP committee member Hassan Ahmed has also received a summons

Mohamed Shifaz, the deputy leader of main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), received a police summons for calling President Abdulla Yameen a thief.

Shifaz called the president a thief at a gathering at Republic Square, as the presidential motorcade was driving by.

He is to be summoned to the police station on Sunday at 4:00pm.

The summons states that it is for a complaint regarding the incident on the 20th of this month, in which “some members of certain political parties gathered at a prohibited area, known as the green zone, in the name of being ‘against the destruction of tourism and the theft of citizens’, and while facing the presidential jetty, saw the presidential motorcade driving towards them, and called the president a thief and made other crude remarks.”

MDP committee member Hassan Ahmed has also received a summons for Thursday night regarding the incident.

Shifaz, Hassan, and 20 others were gathered at the republic square on the 20th, and some of them were summoned to police earlier.

Republic square, or the green zone, was where mutinying police and military officers gathered In February 2012 to protest the then MDP government. Some of the officers had entered and vandalized the police headquarters nearby.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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