K. Male'
27 Jan 2018 | Sat 10:02
Former Deputy Speaker Ahmed Nazim
Former Deputy Speaker Ahmed Nazim
People Megazine
Ex-Deputy Speaker Nazim
Self-exiled ex-deputy speaker Nazim tweets support for opposition movement
Nazim welcomed back his successor MP Faris, who was released from a 191-day stint in detention the previous day
Nazim said that "justice will prevail"
He was sentenced to 25 years in prison in April 2015, after being found guilty of corruption

Self-exiled former deputy speaker Ahmed Nazim has expressed support for the opposition movement.

In a tweet sent out on Friday, the former parliament representative for Dhiggaru constituency welcomed back his successor Ahmed Faris Maumoon, who was released from a 191-day stint in detention the previous day.

Noting that the citizens of Dhiggaru know how to elect representatives that will speak up against injustices, Nazim said that ‘whether it is 25 years in jail or six months, the strength and will of the MPs will not fade’.

“Justice will prevail,” he added.

The former deputy speaker was sentenced to 25 years in prison in April 2015, after being found guilty of defrauding the state of MVR1.4 million (USD 91,400) by submitting bids on behalf of non-existent companies to supply 15,000 national flags to the now-defunct atolls ministry.

While the government had granted him medial leave to Singapore the same year, he has since fled and his whereabouts are not known. However, some media outlets have reported that he had traveled to the United Kingdom, it is also unclear whether the country has granted him political asylum.

Nazim has opted to stay out of the public eye since, with only just two tweets posted since 2013; the first one was a photo of a poem from his father’s archive.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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