K. Male'
25 Jan 2018 | Thu 02:33
MP Amir (R) leaving session
MP Amir (R) leaving session
Hussain Hassaan
MP Amir walks out of Committee session, following row with fellow MPs
Had left session afterward
Opposition MPs criticized pro-Govt. MPs
Rumors of additional rifts within PPM

Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) Deputy Leader Ahmed Amir has walked out of Wednesday's parliament session, after exchanging heated words with fellow parliamentarians from coalition partner Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM). 

The row occurred during the session of the Regulations Committee of the Parliament. The Committee was convened hastily and without prior announcement. The Parliament, at the moment, is in recess. 

MP Amir had raised issue over Government aligned MPs rushing through deliberations on the motions sent to the Committee. 

Two amendments were proposed to the Regulations on Male' City planning, with an additional motion proposed by Velidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Yameen Rasheed. Bilehdhoo Constituency MP Ahmed Mubeen chaired the session. 

MP Yameen's amendment was first put on for vote, where three of the four MPs on the Committee voted to pass it. Jumhooree Party's Hussain Mohamed was the sole vote against the amendment. MP Amir's motion was not put for vote. 

Following this, MP Amir had walked out of session. He returned back later, protesting the lack of fairness, when the Committee chose to push ahead without taking into consideration the motions sent in by MPs. He further accused the Chair of not taking in account interests of public. 

After the session was conclude, MP Amir had offered more criticism of MP Yameen. The row that ensued between MPs Amir, Mubeen and Yameen was seen by journalists gathered there. 

MP Hussain Mohamed had also criticized the intentions of Government aligned MPs. 

The Committee passed the first amendment sent to the Regulations on Male' Planning. The amendment concerned the lease of land for state use and the development of such leased land.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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