K. Male'
23 Jan 2018 | Tue 18:05
MP Mohamed Musthafa speaks to the media
MP Mohamed Musthafa speaks to the media
Dismissed MPs
MP Musthafa warns media outlets not to report that ‘MPs have lost their seats’
EC has announced that 12 opposition parliamentarians have lost their parliamentary seats
The announcement came after a Supreme Court ruling on floor-crossing
The 12 MPs have gone to the Court eight times since last Tuesday, in order to clarify the status of the seats

Parliament representative for Thinadhoo constituency Mohamed Musthafa has warned to take action against media outlets that report that he is no longer a parliamentarian.

Following a Supreme Court ruling banning floor-crossing in July last year, the Elections Commission (EC) had announced that Musthafa, along with 11 other opposition parliamentarians, had lost their parliamentary seats.

The dismissed MPs have failed to get a clear answer on the matter from the Supreme Court, and has gone to the Court eight times since last Tuesday, in order to clarify the status of the seats. They have been attempting to meet with Supreme Court Judges as well as Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed.

Speaking to the media outside the Court on Tuesday, Musthafa noted that the decision to strip off one’s parliamentary seat can only be made by the Supreme Court. He added that “no institution can declare that we have lost out seats prior to a Supreme Court ruling on the matter”.

Leaders of the joint opposition have sent letters to Supreme Court, Elections Commission, as well as the Indian government, regarding EC’s decision to dismiss the 12 lawmakers.

On Monday, EC member Ismail Habeeb Abdulrahman met with officials from the opposition, where they noted their concerns. He assured them that he will share the concerns with the other members of the Commission.

The opposition notes that the rights of over 60,000 citizens have been violated over the MPs removal from parliament, and called on the Supreme Court to guarantee MPs the right to represent their constituency in parliament.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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