K. Male'
21 Jan 2018 | Sun 19:43
Abdulla Musdhig
Abdulla Musdhig
Suspicious Deaths
Doctors note irregularities in the death of Corporal Sumaid's Uncle
Abdulla Musdhig was found dead in his room on Friday
He was leading the search for his missing brother at the time of his death
Doctors suspect he died due to a heart attack, but said there were inconsistencies

Doctors at Hithadhoo Regional Hospital have noted irregularities in the death Abdulla Musdhig, uncle of missing Corporal Mohamed Sumaid.

According to the Hospital, Musdhig was pronounced dead on arrival. While the exact reason behind his death is yet to be determined, doctors suspect that he died due to a heart attack.

However, doctors said that there were signs that Musdhig had bled from his nose and mouth, adding that this is not consistent with heart attack related deaths.

Maldives Police Service (MPS) reported that a 37-year-old was reported deceased at around 6.15 pm on Friday, but did not reveal any further information citing “ongoing investigation”.

Musdhiq was found deceased in his room on Friday.

While police investigate his death, his nephew Sumaid has been missing since June 2017. MPS, along with Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) are stills searching for the missing corporal. While the military has been using all its resources in the search, including its helicopter, they have only been able to find his mobile phone so far.

Sumaid was out fishing with two of his friends when he went missing after their dinghy “capsized” near Gan of Addu City, and was reported missing on 4th June 2017. While Sumaid’s friends had reported that the dinghy they had been travelling in had capsized a number of times, MNDF said that they are not able to confirm that matter.

His family had also expressed concern over the belongings still being onboard the vessel despite “capsizing”, adding that they just “want to know the truth” about what happened to Sumaid.

Musdhiq had been leading the search for his nephew at the time of his death.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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6 years ago
ކަލޯ ހާދަ އުނދަގޫ ފޮންޓެކޭ. ތަނެއް ދޮރެއް ނޭނގޭ. ލޮލަށް އުނދަގޫނުވާ ފޮންޓަކުންލިޔެބަލަ