K. Male'
21 Jan 2018 | Sun 17:43
The delegation met with Mari Yamashita, Chief of Asia and Pacific Division of UN’s Department of Political Affairs
The delegation met with Mari Yamashita, Chief of Asia and Pacific Division of UN’s Department of Political Affairs
Joint Opposition
Senior opposition delegation meets UN officials in Colombo
They met with Chief of Asia and Pacific Division of UN’s Department of Political Affairs on Sunday
Briefed her “on the deteriorating political and human rights situation in Maldives”
Opposition leader, former President Nasheed is to hold a press conference in Colombo on Monday

Senior officials of the joint opposition met officials from the United Nations on Sunday.

They met with officials from the UN in Sri Lanka, including Mari Yamashita, Chief of Asia and Pacific Division of UN’s Department of Political Affairs.

In a tweet sent out afterwards, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s foreign relations committee chair, MP Abdulla Shahid said that the delegation had briefed Yamashita “on the deteriorating political and human rights situation in Maldives”.

He added that they also highlighted the “urgency of UN assistance to ensure free, fair and inclusive presidential elections and the democratic functioning of parliament”.

While a number of senior opposition are currently working from Colombo, a high-level delegation met with foreign representatives to the Maldives last week, including US Ambassador Atul Keshap and British Ambassador James Dauris.

In a tweet posted on Thursday, Ambassador Keshapn highlighted the importance of “all members of parliament being able to attend all sessions and exercise their full rights and duties as elected representatives of the people and defenders of democracy”.

MDP’s leader, self-exiled former President Mohamed Nasheed arrived in Colombo on Sunday, and is to speak at a press conference there tomorrow.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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