K. Male'
20 Jan 2018 | Sat 22:45
Fun Island Resort's manager said that the cases had to be carried in three carts
Fun Island Resort's manager said that the cases had to be carried in three carts
Fun Island
State vs Villa Group
Officers confiscate alcohol from Fun Island Resort despite not being authorized to do so
Authorities continued their raid on Villa Group's resorts on Saturday
Customs says large amounts of illegally obtained alcohol were found during the raid
Villa Group denies any wrongdoing, says this is being done to intimidate Villa’s founder Qasim Ibrahim

Authorities have confiscated a number of alcohol cases from Fun Island Resort.

Maldives Customs Service (MCS) had launched a search operation on five resorts belonging to Villa Group, alleging that liquor licensed one of Villa Group’s resorts, from the Customs Bonded Warehouse. was being distributed to other resorts associated with it. While officers from the Maldives Police Service (MPS) are seen at the resorts it said that they are merely providing security.

Fun Island Resort’s manager Ismail Naseer told RaajjeMV that authorities had raided the island under a court order on Saturday as well, adding that the order did not authorize them to confiscate belongings.

Naseer said that after raiding its alcohol cellar, officers had confiscated liquor bottles that they claim were brought to the resort after March 2017. He said that officers had confiscated a number of liquor bottles, and that they had to transport the bottles in three carts.

He added that the liquor that was confiscated are those most common amongst the tourists vacationing there.

While officers continue to search the resorts scaring its guests, Naseer said that there are over 180 tourists in Fun Island Resort currently. He added that this operation has traumatized the guests.

As the authorities continue to confiscate alcohol from Fun Island Resort, Villa Group has filed a case against the Maldives Customs Service at the Criminal Court, over the confiscation of items from the resort, highlighting that Customs officers do not have the permit to do so.

Villa’s attorneys have called this ‘looting,’ and emphasized that the court order does not authorize them to seize any belongings.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, former Prosecutor General and member of Villa Group’s legal team, Hussain Shameem said that by confiscating items, the Customs is violating the Criminal Court’s search warrant.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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