K. Male'
17 Jan 2018 | Wed 12:29
The MWSC has also cordoned off water meters at the premises with a pad lock.
The MWSC has also cordoned off water meters at the premises with a pad lock.
Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
MWSC cuts water supply to Malé City tenants, claims it was at landlord's request
The family has resorted to using bottled water for necessities
The Maldives Water and Sewarage Company claims that the house’s owner had requested as such
The family has also sought assistance from the police to no avail

The state’s water supply instution, the Malé Water and Sewerage Company, has cut off service to a home in capital city Malé, the residents of which have never failed to make payments on their bills.

Residents spoke to RaajjeMV on Tuesday to say that the water supply has been cut for over 12 hours and the MWSC had also cordoned off water meters with a pad lock.

The family has resorted to using bottled water for necessities, which they claim is impossible to sustain for a long period given that the home has a number of children, including one who is differently-abled.

The Maldives Water and Sewarage Company claims that the house’s landlord had requested as such, and that the the matter is beyond its control.

“The MWSC says that they have a contract with the houses owner, not us. So there request needs to be given preferance over our basic right to clean water” a member of the family that spoke to RaajjeMV said.

They have also sought assistance from the police to no avail.

The MWSC’s media official had not responded to calls seeking a comment at the time of publishing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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