K. Male'
16 Jan 2018 | Tue 11:26
Charges have been raised against seven suspects, in Yameen Rasheed's murder
Charges have been raised against seven suspects, in Yameen Rasheed's murder
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Yameen Rasheed's Murder
Hearing in Yameen Rasheed's murder case set for 3 pm, Tuesday
A hearing was scheduled for last week as well, but was cancelled without stating a reason
The last hearing in the case was held in November 2017
Charges have been raised against seven suspects, in Yameen Rasheed's murder

Criminal Court has scheduled a hearing in the murder case of Yameen Rasheed for 3 pm on Tuesday.

A hearing in the case was scheduled for last Monday as well, but was cancelled without the court disclosing a reason.

Six individuals have been charges with assault with a deadly weapon and subsequently of first-degree murder. The charges were officially put forth on 31st July.

The defendants are Ismail Haisham Rasheed, Hussain Ziyad, Ismail Rasheed, Hassan Shifaz, Mohamed Dhifran and Ahmed Zihan.

The last hearing of the case. which is in its preliminary stage, was held on 7th November 2017, where Haisham, Zihan, Dhifran and Shifaz denied the charges against them. Ismail Rasheed and Hussain Ziyad had said that the charges against them were ‘unclear’.

The hearings in the writer’s murder case has been closed off to the public and journalists, with the Criminal Court saying that it was being done as per requested by the Prosecutor General (PG) Office. However, the Office claims to have requested to hold certain hearings behind closed doors, and not the entire trial.

One of the most prominent bloggers in the country, Yameen Rasheed was stabbed to death last year, in an attack that shook the nation. His body was found in the staircase of his home in the early hours of April 23rd, 2017.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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