K. Male'
11 Jan 2018 | Thu 15:14
Attorney General Mohamed Anil
Attorney General Mohamed Anil
2018 Presidential Elections
Not in UN’s mandate to push for Nasheed’s candidacy in presidential elections, says Maldives
Attorney general Mohamed Anil made the claim in an interview to the state broadcaster on Wednesday night
Anil said that no international body has the authority to overrule a court verdict in Maldives, only Maldivian courts can do so
He said that Nasheed, Imran and Qasim are no longer leaders of their respective parties

The government of Maldives has denied claims that the United Nations (UN) would push for former President Mohamed Nasheed to be able to contest in the upcoming presidential elections.

In an interview to the state broadcaster on Wednesday night, attorney general Mohamed Anil said that the UN ‘will not make such a demand’ adding that ‘it is not within their mandate to do so’.

Noting that the UN’s Human Rights Committee could declare that there were inconsistencies in the trial against Nasheed, Anil emphasized that this was only the opinion of the committee and not the entire organization.

However, the United Nations, nor any other international bodies, has the authority to overrule a court verdict, said the AG, adding that it can only be done through Maldivian courts.

He said that according to the Prisons and Parole Act, amended in 2013, those convicted of a crime are not eligible to hold posts in a political party. Hence, the attorney general said that Nasheed, Sheikh Imran Abdulla and Qasim Ibrahim are no longer the leaders of their respective parties and that they will not be able to contest in the election as they have been convicted of a crime.

  • Former President Nasheed was jailed to 13 years in prison over terror charges in March 2015. He has since been granted political asylum in the United Kingdom. Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran was jailed for 12 years in February 2016 and is still serving the sentence while Jumhooree Party leader Qasim was sentenced to over three years on bribery charges. He has since traveled to Germany under a special permit by German authorities after being granted medical leave to Singapore. All three parties have formed alliance, along with former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

The attorney general’s comments were directed towards former foreign minister and current UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Dr. Ahmed Shaheed who claimed that the UN human rights committee would rule in favour of former President Nasheed ‘to ensure his candidacy’ in the 2018 presidential elections. In addition, the joint opposition maintains that Nasheed will be able to contest in the elections.

Dr Shaheed had also said that President Abdulla Yameen is working to not allow Nasheed to contest ‘because he knows he will lose’.

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) had, back in September 2015, said that the opposition leader’s conviction on a terrorism charge was politically motivated and violated international treaties the Maldives is party to. The UN Human Rights Council and international bodies continue to express concern over Maldives’ deteriorating human rights conditions.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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