K. Male'
10 Jan 2018 | Wed 22:15
Yumna Maumoon with senior figures of the opposition
Yumna Maumoon with senior figures of the opposition
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex-President Gayoom
Yumna Maumoon questions if Police are aware of intelligence report on father's security status
Security for Pres. Maumoon slashed suddenly
Responded back to MP Nihan over issue of security
Pres. Maumoon's residence monitored round the clock


Yumna Maumoon, daughter of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, has questioned if Maldives Police Service (MPS) was aware of the said intelligence report used by Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) Special Protection Group (SPG) to beef up security given to the former President. 

Officers of SPG had begun manning Endherimaage, President Maumoon's residence, from Monday evening. Two officers are stationed at all times, checking those who enter the residence and checking the vehicles used by President Maumoon. SPG had beefed up security on basis of an intelligence report, but had refused to divulge details of the said report either with the former President or his current security detail. President Maumoon had even written to Defense Ministry for details of the said threat on his life. 

In a tweet posted on Wednesday, Yumna questioned if Police was aware of such an intelligence report. 

Refering to the security measures, ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) Parliamentary Group Leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik said this was not a political decision. Speaking to several media sources, Nihan, who is also the Parliamentary representative for Vilimale' Constituency, said that the decision was an apt one and does not bar the politicial meetings of President Maumoon.

Refering to this, Yumna fired back, mentioning the present administration's decision to slash the benefits given to President Maumoon, in his right as a past President. She asked if that decision was also not a political one. 

The present administration, headed by President Maumoon's half-brother, had passed to sever the benefits following President Maumoon's decision to withdraw support for the administration. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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