K. Male'
10 Jan 2018 | Wed 17:26
Former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz (L) and former Defense Minister Ameen Faisal (R)
Former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz (L) and former Defense Minister Ameen Faisal (R)
Ex-President Gayoom
Pres. Maumoon should know what are the risks: Riyaz, Ameen Faisal
Police must investigate if there are any risks: Riyaz
Pres. Maumoon must be informed of security risk: Ameen
Questions rose over why Pres. Maumoon was being kept in dark: Ameen

Former Defense Minister Ameen Faisal and former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz both have stated that former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom must be briefed on the risks to his life, amid amped up security for the former President. 

Following his decision to ally with the opposition, much of the security and previliges granted to President Maumoon was slashed. However, on Monday night, Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) Special Protection Group (SPG), beefed up security measures on Endherimaage in Maafannu ward in capital Male'.

Under the new security measures, two officers of SPG are stationed at Endherimaage around the clock. Officers check and verify who enters the premises and check the boot of the car used by President Maumoon among other measures. 

Speaking to RaajjeMV Ameen Faisal said that as per procedures, the former President must be informed first of any security risk and give time to address those risks prior to making that public knowledge. As such, he noted that the security information can be shared with his Personal Security Officer (PSO). Amping up security and installing officers at the premises, without alerting the individual in question, he said raised more questions. 

Former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz, who had spent over 24 years in Maldives Police Service (MPS),  said there was anything that impacted on the security of an individual such as former President Maumoon, then the case must be submitted to MPS for a thorough and official investigation.

Spokesperson for MPS Superintendent of Police Ahmed Shifan had refused to issue comment, when questioned about the case. 

Riyaz, who now serves as Parliamentary representative for Kimbidhoo Constituency, said that MPS should give a definite response to the type of threat and extent of threat based on their investigations. 

Conducting searches on those who enter the residence and their belongings only served to raise questions on the whole issue, he added.

Former President Maumoon had denied that he had recieved reports of an attack on him. A tweet posted said that he had asked Defense Ministry over the nature of the alleged threat. He added that he would personally increase security measures once the nature and extent of threat was clarified by Defense Ministry. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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