K. Male'
10 Jan 2018 | Wed 22:15
MP Abdul Raheem in a rally of ruling PPM
MP Abdul Raheem in a rally of ruling PPM
Mohamed Afrah / Sun Online
Inter- Party Talks
No room for AP, Maumoon as per views of Nasheed, Qasim: MP Abdul Raheem
Jested that Pres. Maumoon had not gained anything

Fonadhoo Constituency MP Abdul Raheem Abdullah has delivered a strong rebuke in the war of word between the ruling party and opposition, over the inter-party talks to field a single candidate for the 2018 Presidential elections. 

MP Abdul Raheem, who is also the Deputy Leader of the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), in a tweet posted in Dhivehi, said that as per the views of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) leader Mohamed Nasheed and Jumhooree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim, Adhaalath Party (AP) and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom had no role to play in the coalition of parties to take down PPM in 2018.

In this tweet, the Parliamentarian said that this was made very clear. 

It is believed that MP Abdul Raheem's tweet was in response to the four options put forth by MDP leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed. President Nasheed put forth four options to MDP's National Congress for their consideration and the four options was so that there was equal representation between MDP and JP for the roles of Presidential candidate and his running mate. 

  • In the event, President Nasheed and Qasim are able to contest, then President Nasheed as the candidate, with Qasim as his running mate. 
  • In the event where President Nasheed can contest, but not Qasim, then President Nasheed as the candidate and an individual chosen either by Qasim or JP as running mate
  • In the event where Qasim can contest, but not President Nasheed, then Qasim as candidate and an individual chosen by MDP as running mate
  • In the event where neither President Nasheed nor Qasim can contest, an individual from MDP as candidate and an individual from JP as running mate. 

Rumors say that the options were put forth by Nasheed on advice from Qasim.

MP Abdul Raheem's twitter directly referenced a statement made by President Maumoon, to the effect where the recommendation was put forth based not on merit or experience, but rather that of leverage. 

He also jested, without directly referencing the former President, that he had not gained anything. 

President Maumoon, founder of PPM and half-brother to incumbent President Abdullah Yameen, withdrew his support for the ruling PPM. He joined the opposition coalition earlier in 2017 and since then, he has been recieving alot of backlash for his decisions and vocal criticism of the Government. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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