K. Male'
10 Jan 2018 | Wed 22:11
MDP officials meet with the German Ambassador
MDP officials meet with the German Ambassador
Opposition Activities
Opposition MDP meets German Ambassador
The meeting was on the current political situation in the Maldives
Three senior officials of MDP joined the meeting
This comes at a time when the opposition is planning for the presidential election

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) met with German Ambassador Joern Rohde on Tuesday.

The party said that it discussed the current political situation in the Maldives with the Ambassador.

MDP officials in the meeting include North-Henveiru MP Abdulla Shahid, the party’s Secretary General Anas Abdul Sattar, and Abdul Ghafoor Mohamed.

This meeting comes at a time when the entire couuntry is preparing for the 2018 presidential election.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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