K. Male'
09 Jan 2018 | Tue 16:10
Ruling party PPM’s PG leader Nihan Hussain Manik
Ruling party PPM’s PG leader Nihan Hussain Manik
Murushidh Abdul Hakeem
Government VS Opposition
Nihan unable to provide ‘incriminating’ chat log with JP deputy Riyaz
Nihan claims he has 'incriminating' chat logs of JP's deputy Riyaz
The chat supposedly is from the night before the second round of voting in the 2013 presidential election
Nihan was unable to disclose the incriminating evidence after Riyaz dared him

Ruling party's PG leader Nihan Hussain Manik has been unable to show that he has screenshots of an ‘incriminating’ Facebook conversation he had with the Jumhooree Party's deputy leader Abdulla Riyaz, during his time as a police commissioner.

In a heated exchange with Riyaz on Twitter, Nihan claimed that he had screenshots of an online chat with him from the night before the second round of voting in the 2013 presidential election

After Nihan threatened to publicly disclose the screenshots, Riyaz, the Kinbidhoo MP, encouraged him to do so, adding that the police already have all his chat logs.

Riyaz has recently been charged with influencing the official conduct of a public officials. and the police had confiscated his phone on 27 March 2017.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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