K. Male'
09 Jan 2018 | Tue 08:18
Parliament in session last year
Parliament in session last year
Parliament Sessions
Parliament inaugural session, Presidential address on February 5th
MPs informed of session
President must deliver an address to Parliament in inaugural session
Session will start at 10 am

Members of Parliament have been informed that the inaugural session of the Parliament of the year will be held on February 5th.

MPs were informed of the session last Thursday.

Clause 84 of the Constitution says that in the inaugural session of the Parliament for the year the President has to deliver a statement on the state of the nation and how to address the issues in the nation.

The session will begin at 10 am on Monday, February 5th, though the venue is yet to be confirmed.

Last year’s inaugural session was held in Dharubaaruge.

While the Parliament is to begin in February, several Members of the Parliament are facing loss of their seats and facing criminal charges.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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