K. Male'
08 Jan 2018 | Mon 10:57
The 29-year-old writer was killed on April 23rd, 2017
The 29-year-old writer was killed on April 23rd, 2017
Yameen Rasheed's Murder
Criminal Court cancels Yameen Rasheed's murder hearing scheduled for Monday
The defendants are Ismail Haisham Rasheed, Hussain Ziyad, Ismail Rasheed, Hassan Shifaz, Mohamed Dhifran and Ahmed Zihan
The hearing had been scheduled for 3:00 pm on Monday
Yameen was murdered in the stairwell of his home on the early hours of April 23rd, 2017

The Criminal Court has cancelled the hearing it scheduled for Monday, over the allegations put forth against those arrested in Yameen Rasheed’s brutal murder. 

The case was scheduled for 3:00 pm on Monday, and the court is yet to announce a reason for the cancellation.

READ MORE: Criminal Court schedules hearing in Yameen Rasheed’s murder for Monday

The six defendants are facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon and subsequently of first-degree murder. The charges were officially put forth on 31st July.

The defendants are Ismail Haisham Rasheed, Hussain Ziyad, Ismail Rasheed, Hassan Shifaz, Mohamed Dhifran and Ahmed Zihan. An additional suspect has also reportedly been charged with accessory to murder.

Yameen was murdered in the stairwell of his home on the early hours of April 23rd, 2017. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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