K. Male'
08 Jan 2018 | Mon 07:29
Roads of Addu City darkened due to the power outage
Roads of Addu City darkened due to the power outage
Twitter / @nautymatox
Power Outage
Power slashed to most of Addu City
City experienced regular power outage since start of year

Most of Addu City is without power, after state utilities corporation Fenaka cut power to the City. 

RaajjeMV understands that power was slashed to the City following increased load to the generators. 

The City had reported frequent power outages in the City since the start of this year, with each power outage lasting on average an hour. 

Power is supplied to the City by Fenaka.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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