K. Male'
08 Jan 2018 | Mon 01:08
Former VP Adeeb: on trial for several cases
Former VP Adeeb: on trial for several cases
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex- VP Ahmed Adeeb
State has to complete procedural issues raised by them, not Adeeb: Adeeb
IGMH, Corrections have to complete procedural issues raised
Procedural issues cannot complete them
State has no intention of releasing Adeeb for medicals

A message was released by the former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb stating that the Civil Court can review the case submitted over the issue of his medical release, in spite of the prosecution saying the Civil Court cannot review the case.

The prosecution said the Civil Court cannot review the case, citing that several procedural issues were not completed. As such, the prosecution said that Adeeb's case was not sent to the specialized department, even though his doctors had recommended that he be sent abroad. The case, additionally, was not sent to Medical Board at Maldives Correctional Service (MCS). More over, as per rules, the Commissioner of Prisons has to issue a formal release after going through the procedures mentioned above.

As the case was filed to Civil Court without completing these procedures, prosecution had called on Civil Court not to further review the case. 

Adeeb's defense said that these procedures cannot be completed by Adeeb, but rather the burden of it fell on the state. As such, the lawyers said that state's Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) and MCS has to follow through the procedures. Defense also noted that the state had no intention of providing Adeeb with adequate medical care, pointing out to irregularity of the treatment provided to him. They further noted that the medical documents given to Adeeb were not shared either with the family or lawyers. 

Therefore, they noted that Adeeb had no way of addressing the procedural issues noted by the prosecution. As a result, the issues noted by the prosecution cannot be deemed as grounds for Civil Court not to review the case. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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