K. Male'
08 Jan 2018 | Mon 01:02
Gender Minister, Zeneesha Shaheed Zaki: The Ministry has, as usual, said rape was a concerning issue
Gender Minister, Zeneesha Shaheed Zaki: The Ministry has, as usual, said rape was a concerning issue
Ministry of Gender
Rape and Assault
Gender Ministry’s ‘tepid’ response to rape: concerned, taking all action possible
Deeply concerned over such cases, says Gender Ministry

Gender Ministry, as usual, has issued a 'tepid' response to the recent rape of a 19-year-old female in captial Male' City. 

Assistant Director at Gender Ministry Ibrahim reported to RaajjeMV on Sunday, that the case was deeply concerning to the Ministry, adding that the case was being processed through the usual procedures. 

Gender based violence and domestic violence are investigated and reviewed by Maldives Police Service (MPS) and Gender Ministry. The Ministry also provides psycho-social support to victims as well.

While the Ministry had made it clear that the case was being investigated, they were scant on details of the investigation. The perpetrator, 33-year-old Hassan Faaiz, was arrested three days after the rape was reported. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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