K. Male'
01 Jan 2018 | Mon 22:32
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Political Crisis
Must focus on Parliament reform this year: ex-Pres. Maumoon
Jailed political leaders must be released
Theft, graft, corruption increased
Nation desensitized to crime

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom says that the nation as a whole in 2018 must focus on Parliamentary reform.

In his statement released to mark the new year, the former President said that in 2018 we must focus on securing the seats of elected Parliamentarians and their status as Parliamentarians. He added that we also must focus on securing release for Parliamentarians and political leaders in jail on trumped up charges.

He additionally said that all Parliament must be allowed to conduct their sittings and mandate within legal means. Any changes to the law to facilitate a smooth transition of power, he said, must be made from the Parliament, as well.

Reflecting on the past year, President Maumoon said the year was a challenging year and one that had caused grief to the nation and citizens. Graft, corruption, theft, injustice, he said, had festered in the society, spelling setbacks to democracy in the Maldives.

While the former President had made this statement, his son and Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon spent most of 2017 behind bars, without a verdict. Alliance member, Qasim Ibrahim was given a three-year jail term on bribery charges. An additional 12 MPs faced loss of their Parliament seats.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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