K. Male'
27 Dec 2017 | Wed 16:24
Yumna Maumoon
Yumna Maumoon
Government VS Opposition
Four parties are joined together for sake of nation: Yumna
President Yameen's so-called progress has come at the cost of the rights of citizens

Four political parties with different ideologies have joined together for the sake of the nation, says Yumna Maumoon, the daughter of Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

In a panel discussion hosted by the opposition coalition on Tuesday night, Yumna thanked the leaders of the four parties for working together, and described it as true solidarity.

At the discussion, Yumna also noted the absence of President Abdulla Yameen at the government’s Unity Day celebration, and said that the President plays the most crucial role in bringing people together.

She also said that, while President Yameen claims that the country is being developed at a rapid pace, the development comes at the cost of justice, freedom of expression, and the rights of citizens.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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