K. Male'
17 Dec 2017 | Sun 18:17
A photo showing MP Rasheed signing a paper in front of MP Faris was leaked online after MP Rasheed claimed his signature was forged in the no-confidence motion against Speaker Abdulla Maseeh.
A photo showing MP Rasheed signing a paper in front of MP Faris was leaked online after MP Rasheed claimed his signature was forged in the no-confidence motion against Speaker Abdulla Maseeh.
MP Faris- Bribery Case
Police refuses to investigate claims Shafiu is being coerced into testifying against MP Faris
MPS threw out the case a week after it was filed
Recommended to submit it to National Integrity Commission
MP Faris was detained on July 18th on bribery allegations, with the Court ruling to keep him in detention for the duration of investigation and trial

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has refused to look into allegations that Isdhoo constituency MP Ahmed Rasheed is working to force an individual into testifying against MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, who is accused of bribery.

The Dhiggaru constituency MP’s defence lawyer, Maumoon Hameed had filed the case on his client’s behalf in November, based on an interview by Ahmed Shafiu, seeking to raise criminal charges against MP Rasheed.

In the case filed at the police, Hameed noted that Shafiu’s interview to RaajjeTV clearly shows that MP Rasheed, who filed the bribery allegation against Faris, has been working to coerce him into testifying against Faris.

However, a week after the case was filed, MPS threw out the case, asking him to file the case at the National Integrity Commission (NIC).

Established in October 2015, the NIC is an independent legal entity that hold the powers to investigate unlawful acts of Law Enforcement Agencies and employees of such agencies.

While MP Faris is charged with bribery and is to be kept in remand until the trial concludes, Shafiu is the alleged mediator in the bribe. He was arrested on July 4th and released five days later, citing insufficient evidence to hold him. Hence, the state has been unable to raise charges against him. However, Hameed highlighted that according to the statement submitted by the state- by a parliament member who was allegedly bribed by MP Faris- Shafiu is the individual who took the money to the said member, revealing that it was from Faris.

Hameed emphasized that the state's failure to raise charges against Shafiu means that it has no grounds to raise charges his client as well.

Faris is being charged under Section 510 of the Penal Code, of having offered to bribe a public official or influence official authority. This class ‘three’ felony carries a sentence of three years and 12 months. State prosecutors are also looking to file charges of identity fraud against Faris, for allegedly having used the ruling party’s flag and logo at a joint press conference with leaders of the opposition.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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