K. Male'
14 Dec 2017 | Thu 16:39
Faris Maumoon on RaajjeTV
Faris Maumoon on RaajjeTV
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Faris Maumoon
Faris’ 150 days in jail sparks outrage
Politicians and citizens express outrage on Twitter over Faris imprisonment
Faris has been in detention for 150 days

Politicians and citizens called on the government to release Dhiggaru MP Faris Maumoon after 150 days of imprisonment.

Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, his father and former president, took to Twitter to express outrage over the 150 days of “arbitrary detention.”

“150 days of cruelty! 150 days of tyranny! 150 days of injustice!”

Former President Mohamed Nasheed tweeted that those responsible for his jailing should be held accountable.

Jumhoree Party (JP)’s deputy leader Abdulla Riyaz said that an honest investigation would reveal that Faris was arrested and detained unconstitutionally for standing up against corruption and tyranny.

Gan MP Fayyaz Ismail said President Abdulla Yameen and his ‘gang’ cannot silence the opposition through “jailing, murders, and confiscation of property.”

Nolhivaram MP Hussain Areef on Twitter said citizens should be thankful to have Faris in parliament, and that his struggle is for the future generations and the future of the nation.

Thinadhoo MP Saudulla Hilmy lamented that Faris has been excluded from the satisfaction of receiving justice from the judiciary.

Kendhoo MP Ali Hussain said President Yameen, the police service, and the judiciary should take responsibility for the injustice.

Aminath Nadira, the Vice President of Gayoom’s faction of the ruling party, applauded Faris for being ‘courageous’ and working for national reform, and noted that it has been 150 days since the judiciary and police service began oppressing him.

Faris was arrested on July 18 on allegations for attempting to bribe fellow MPs. He was given a detention period till the conclusion of the trial, and was charged on August 17.

He is also charged with identity fraud for allegedly using ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)’s flag and logo without permission.

Appeal hearings on his detention order is still ongoing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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