K. Male'
14 Dec 2017 | Thu 15:16
Mohamed Jamsheed
Mohamed Jamsheed
Police Appointments
ACP Jamsheed demoted again, changes published
Demoted to the position of Superintendent
Second demotion
Previously served as head of Police Intelligence

Mohamed Jamsheed, who had served as Assistant Commissioner of Police, was once again demoted.

This is the second demotion for Jamsheed, who had also served as head of Police Intelligence.

An internal notice issued in Police confirmed the demotion to that of a Superintendent.

As per Police hierarchy, Superintendents report to Chief Superintendents who then report to Assistant Commissioner of Police.

The decision was passed in October. Implementation was delayed as Home Minister Azleen Ahmed had not signed the authorization.

Jamsheed was head of Police Intelligence when the explosion occurred on the Presidential speed launch ‘Finifenmaa’. He was removed from the position shortly afterward.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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