K. Male'
12 Dec 2017 | Tue 22:19
US Ambassador Atul Keshap
US Ambassador Atul Keshap
Local Government
Govt. decision a 'further restriction on democracy': US
Local officials can no longer meet diplomats and NGOs without government permission
A further restriction on democracy and transparency
Those who do not seek permission will be penalized

Atul Keshap, the United States' Ambassador to Maldives, has criticized the government's decision to restrict local councils from meeting members or diplomats of foreign nations and organizations.

In a tweet on Monday, Keshap said it was a "further restriction on democracy and transparency" in Maldives.

In the tweet, he questioned why "local elected officials can no longer meet diplomats and civil society NGOs without central government permission."


In a circular released on Monday, LGA announced that councilors require a special permission from the home ministry to meet members or diplomats of foreign nations and organizations.

Local councils should notify LGA of any meetings with foreign organizations via a written statement, which will be sent to the home ministry, said the authority.

LGA warned that those who do not seek permission will be penalized.

British Ambassador James Dauris has also condemned the move.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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