K. Male'
06 Dec 2017 | Wed 15:03
Maldives' First Couple with their Chinese counterparts
Maldives' First Couple with their Chinese counterparts
Twitter/Presidency Maldives
Maldives – China
President, First Lady arrive in China
Official discussions to take place during this trip
Commerce, social ties on agenda
Invitational trip extended by President Xi

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim have arrived in Beijing, as part of a state visit to People’s Republic of China.

President’s Office reported that the trip is an invitational one extended by Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

‘During President Yameen’s State Visit, official talks will be held between the Government of Maldives and the Government of China – and key agreements will be signed with a view to enhance trade, professional and socioeconomic development as well as technological and other collaborations between the two countries. The President will also meet with key leaders of China, and discuss ways to further accelerate socioeconomic ties between the Maldives and China,’ President’s Office said.

The visit comes amid public speculation and concern over the hastily passed China Maldives Free Trade Agreement.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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