K. Male'
01 Dec 2017 | Fri 20:17
Finance Ministry
Finance Ministry
Waste Management
Government calls for contractors to build incineration plant in Addu City
Those that propose to take on the project must set out specifications and designs for the plant in addition to handling the procurement and supply of materials needed for the project
Companies that are interested need to file their proposals by January 9th
The waste treatment facility is to be funded by a loan from Abu Dhabi Fund for Development

The Finance Ministry has called for contractors to build the government commissioned incineration plant in Addu City.

Those that propose to take on the project must set out specifications and designs for the plant in addition to handling the procurement and supply of materials needed for the project.

Companies that are interested need to file their proposals by January 9th, along with a non-refundable fee of MVR 1,500.

Those that submit proposals need also need to pay bid securities of USD 10,000 – which stands for 148 days. Those that are bidding must pay a 5 percent of their proposed contract price as performance securities.

Contractors that take on the project will receive 10 percent of their proposed price as advance payment.  Bidding for the project will be held on 14th January.

The waste treatment facility is to be funded by a loan from Abu Dhabi Fund for Development.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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