K. Male'
29 Nov 2017 | Wed 08:18
Ihavandhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Abdullah
Ihavandhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Abdullah
Floor Crossing Motion
Govt. prepares to remove MP Mohamed Abdullah
Removed from Party over signing no confidence motion on Maseeh
Resigned from Party on July 10th
Several MPs removed from their seats using SC motion on floor crossing

Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) has sent a letter to Ihavandhoo Constituency MP Mohamed Abdullah, stating that he was dismissed from the Party by its Ethics Committee.

The case was submitted to the Committee on July 18th. However, the Parliamentarian had submitted his resignation on 10th July.

His letter to the Party’s Chief Advisor and President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom stated the decisions made by the ruling Party had violated the Constitution, rights of citizens, a Parliamentarian’s right to represent his Constituents and therefore, he did not believe he could remain a member of the Party.

The letter sent in by PPM stated he was dismissed following his support for the no confidence motion on Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh.

Supreme Court ruling on July 13th criminalized floor crossing, citing that if an MP had defected, resigned or was removed from his or her party, then that MP will lose his Parliament seat. therefore, this move by PPM can be deemed as an attempt to remove MP Mohamed from his seat.

MP Mohamed was unreachable for a comment.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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