K. Male'
25 Nov 2017 | Sat 02:50
Member of Maldives Media Council (MMC) Assad Shareef
Member of Maldives Media Council (MMC) Assad Shareef
Attacks on RaajjeTV
Assad heads to court over RaajjeTV’s silent protest
Media Council passed not to review case
Assad said decision not review was irresponsible
RaajjeTV staff staged silent, peaceful protest in MMC awards night

Member of Maldives Media Council (MMC) Assad Shareef is to file case in Court over the Council’s refusal to investigate RaajjeTV for staging a peaceful protest in MMC media awards night.

Assad represents general public in the Council.

RaajjeTV staged a silent protest in the Media Council awards night held in October. Staff of the station had held signs displaying sentiments against Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC).

Assad had filed the case with MMC, which had decided not to review the case. Reportedly he filed the case in court, over his dissatisfaction with the Council’s decision.

Speaking to RaajjeMV regarding his decision, Assad said he did not believe the decision by MMC not to review the case was irresponsible. As such, he said using the awards ceremony to stage a protest was a direct challenge to other media and journalists. Therefore, Assad argued the case must be investigated.

RaajjeTV’s protest called for the resignation of members of MBC. The silent protest was carried out, calling out on the unfairness and bias of the Commission in penalizing the station. The fund box opened in response to the MBC fund was placed in the protest as well.

The last fine for the station came following statements made by Thimarafushi Constituency MP Mohamed Musthafa on July 28th during a live program.

The letter sent by MBC said that MP Musthafa had on the program, spoken in a manner that encouraged to overthrow the current Government, encourage to carry out an illegal act, encourage a loss to the legal government and encouraged action that negatively impacted on national security and the safety and security of the elected President of the Maldives. The fine, the letter said, was levied after investigating the case.

This was the third fine levied on RaajjeTV this year. The station was fined by MVR 200,000, MVR 1 million and MVR 500,000.                                                                         

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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