K. Male'
22 Nov 2017 | Wed 18:27
Former President Mohamed Nasheed: one of the many critics of the state budget for next year.
Former President Mohamed Nasheed: one of the many critics of the state budget for next year.
State Budget 2018
Ex-Pres. Nasheed says any spending next year is unconstitutional
Did not receive number of votes mandated in law
Only 46 percent of Parliament voted on budget
Case filed in SC to halt vote, no order issued

Former President Mohamed Nasheed says that any expenditure on state institutions for 2018 is unconstitutional.

In a tweet posted in Dhivehi after the Parliament passed the MVR 27.9 billion budget, the former President noted the budget was passed without the legally mandated number of votes. As such, only 40 MPs were present in the session at the time of voting, with 39 actually casting their votes.

Joint Opposition parties earlier in the day filed case in Supreme Court, stating that state budget for 2018 must be passed constitutionally, as per clause 87 (c) of the Constitution. Clause 87 (c) of the Constitution states that any law that must be followed by citizens can only be passed with two-thirds of Parliament present and voting in the session.

Budget was passed amid warnings given by Finance Minister Ahmed Munawwar, who said budgets will be slashed for constituencies represented by those MPs who did not vote for the budget.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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