K. Male'
22 Nov 2017 | Wed 11:11
Thoddoo Constituency MP Ibrahim Hassan
Thoddoo Constituency MP Ibrahim Hassan
Murushidh Abdul Hakeem
State Budget 2018
Next years’ budget is a complete rip off: MP Ibrahim Hassan
Biggest allocation set for projects that include corruption
Thoddoo constituency neglected in budget

Thoddoo Constituency MP Ibrahim Hassan says that the state budget for 2018, currently in Parliament, is a complete rip off and completely betrays public.

Speaking in the panel discussions held over the budget by the members of opposition, MP Ibrahim said they had high hopes for every budget passed under this administration. However, all the budgets had failed to achieve their potential success, he said. The Parliamentarian said that it was unlikely that next year’s budget was a thought out, planned one.

‘For every Rufiyaa, every year in the budget, there’s a lie. If the Government to complete all that is in the budget in seven months, they must make 27.9 billion lies. His [President Yameen’s] tenure is roughly seven months. If they are to carry out projects worth MVR 27.9 billion in that period, they must really amp up their story telling, imagination,’ he said.

MP Ibrahim added he will not vote for the budget, as it does not offer any realistic solutions to issues. The massive allocations in the budget, he said, were for projects that were noted for corruption.

Noting that in the past year’s his Constituency was neglected, the Parliamentarian said this was the same case for next year.

‘Allocations for Thoddoo school was on budget for three years, on bid, sent to Ministry, still no word on it. Coastal protection for Rasdhoo island is a riddle. I had been consulted on construction of remaining part of the project, met President on the issue, the Minister as well. The project is back on budget again,’ he said.

He defined the projects on the budget as an attempt to dupe citizens just before the vote of 2018. MP Ibrahim criticized the President, stating that President Yameen was in no position to mock his opponents.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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