K. Male'
19 Nov 2017 | Sun 19:02
Former First Couple Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Nasreena Ibrahim
Former First Couple Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Nasreena Ibrahim
MP Faris Maumoon
Former First Couple heads to Maafushi Prison to visit son
Ex-President Maumoon noted that today marks four months in prison for MP Faris "without a sentence"
He added that this is "an attempt to stop [Faris'] reform work"
Arrested on July 18, Criminal Court had ruled to keep him in remand until bribery case concludes

Parents of detained lawmaker Ahmed Faris Maumoon, former first couple Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Nasreena Ibrahim visited him in Maafushi prison on Saturday.

In a tweet sent out afterwards, former President Maumoon emphasized that Faris has been detained in prison for four months "without a sentence," adding that this is "an attempt to stop [Faris'] reform work".

Back in July, Criminal Court had ordered to keep the Dhiggaru constituency MP in remand until his trial on bribery charges conclude. He is also charged with identity theft.

Prior to his arrest, MP Faris was seen in the frontline of the joint opposition, even spearheading the controversial no-confidence motion against speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed.

On Thursday, the MP's legal team filed a case at the Supreme Court, seeking to protect the rights of his constituents, as authorities continue to refuse to present him to parliament sittings and committee meetings.

Faris' team noted that this "deprives Dhiggaru constituents of their right to representation in Majlis".

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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