K. Male'
18 Nov 2017 | Sat 13:59
President Abdulla Yameen speaking at an event earlier this year
President Abdulla Yameen speaking at an event earlier this year
President Yameen
President says his administration has created over 100k jobs
President Yameen said that his administration created 25,000 jobs for each year in office
Yameen also expressed intent to have 50 resorts developed by the end of his term

This administration has created over 100,000 more opportunities for employment, President Abdulla Yameen has said in an address.

Speaking at an event held in Malé City to commemorate four years since his assumption of office, Yameen said that it has managed to make more than 100,000 new job opportunities for Maldivians.

“What is most important to me is that we have done something impactful for the youth, through unprecedented projects that no other administration has been able to embark on before” Yameen said.

Yameen further said that he intends to have 50 resorts established and operation before his term ends next year, which he claimed would pave way for another 100,000 jobs.

He went on to say that a change to the pay structure of state employees can boost salaries for them by 25 to 37 percent.

Yameen helped listeners put the stated figure into perspective – stating that 100,000 jobs in four years is 25,000 for each year he has been office.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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