K. Male'
07 Nov 2017 | Tue 22:38
MTCC announced that they had commenced work on the project on October 28, two days after the Environment Minister's approval
MTCC announced that they had commenced work on the project on October 28, two days after the Environment Minister's approval
Kulhudhuffushi Mangrove
13 NGOs express concern over Maldives' decision to reclaim the Kulhudhuffushi white mud mangrove
The NGOs expressed concern over the complete disregard of environmental regulatory process by the relevant authorities
They highlighted that the EIA was approved days ahead of the public commenting deadline set by EPA
The statement also highlighted that the NGOs it opposed "the unsound decision statement of the EPA"

Thirteen local non-governmental organizations have expressed concern over the government's decision to reclaim the mangrove in Kulhdhuffushi island of Haa Dhaalu atoll, to build an airport.

The organizations released a joint statement on Tuesday, expressing concern over the complete disregard of environmental regulatory process by the authorities.

Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim had fast tracked the project by approving Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) on October 26, days before the public commenting deadline set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Noting that the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) announced that they had commenced work two days after the minister's approval on October 28, the statement highlighted that "the decision statement by the EPA, approving the project was only made public on November 1, three days after MTCC's announcement".

The NGO's also questioned the independency of the EIA report, saying that it was prepared by a civl servant "working for Maldives Meteorological Service, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Environment and Energy".

They also emphasized that since the cancellation with its initial contract Malaysian firm Gryphon Energy Corporation to develop the airport, it is "not known is a contract has been awarded to develop the proposed airport on the island".

Furthermore, noting that it opposes "the unsound decision statement of the EPA," the statement highlighted that project oversight body and subcontractor are not following the conditions noted in the "flawed" decision.  

According to the statement, some of the conditions being disregarded are:

  • the burrow area for the reclamation has not been specified and the necessary geo- technical studies have not been undertaken
  • The project area has not been cordoned off from the rest of the wetland area
  • No action taken by the developer to make arrangements to declare and manage a new protected area with similar environmental features (an unfeasible proposition)
  • The “bund wall” being built by the contractor does not meet the required conditions, as it is being built with sand as opposed to rock boulders or sheet piling
  • To date there has been no consultation with stakeholders regarding the building height restrictions imposed by the aviation regulation
  • No proposal of an alternative flood mitigation and drainage system in the island. (the developer has not initiated any measure to address this, exposing the island population to a higher risk in the event of a disaster

The organizations also highlighted that according a survey conducted in May 2017, "approximately 404 families depend on the mangroves for their livelihoods".

"They use the mangrove to make coir rope, generating an estimated annual income of MVR 8.7 million (USD 564,202.00). This significant (yet informal and insecure) industry is powered by women who are among the most vulnerable in the community. The proposed development also requires the relocation of 18 households, none of which have been informed of any relocation plans yet, according to reliable sources," noted the NGO's, calling on the government "for immediate action to fully compensate those who have lost their sources of income and are otherwise negatively affected by the project".

"We believe that the very nature of this project violates basic human rights, principles of sustainable development and good governance. This project will also be a step backwards for the Maldives in its efforts to contribute in the sustainable development agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement. This project is a strong indicator that Maldives is moving in a developmental trajectory completely alien to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals by 2030," reads the statement.

The 13 NGOs are:  Kulhudhuffushi Zuvaanunge Jamiya, Uthema, Ecocare Maldives, Bluepeace, Addu Womens Development Initiative (AWDI), Beleaf, Small Island Research Group (SIRG), Voice of Women (VoW), Maalhos Awareness and Recreation Society (MARS), Meedhoo Ekuveringe Cheynu, Maldives Democracy Network (MDN), Association for Noonu Atoll Development (ANDEV), Friends Association for Island Development (Friends AID).

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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